Editorial Emanations
MY THANKS : It is, of course, a little late by the time you get this but it is the best I can do. I want to express my appreciation to all of you who so thoughtfully sent me Christmas Cards. Naturally I cannot reply to you individually and so have to resort to this collective method. But they were appreciated. It sort of warms one's heart to receive greetings not only from those of you whom I have met personally, but from so many that I know only by letter and who know me only from Virgin Views and Femme-notes. Those of you who were on the advance order list for TVia #42 got my card with it, though because the magazine was delayed by various compli- cations it did not get to you before Christmas. in this first issue of 1967--our 8th year believe it or not--may I wish all of you a very happy year both in girl-life and in boy-life.
II. PUBLICITY FOR THE CAUSE: It will be long over by the time you read this, but I'm sure you will all be interested to know that on Jan. 25, Dr. Leo Woll- man of New York, who is associated with Dr. Benjamin, and Virginia appeared on station WBZ on the Bob Kennedy Radio and TV show, from Boston. The subject matter was of course, covering the recent Johns Hopkins decision to open a "girl factory", as Dr. Wollman has been involved in work in the direction with the Harry Benjamin Foundation. But TVism will get a good hearing too I can assure you fo that and if they give me any opportunity for a commercial plug, we ought to snag a good many new New England members.
III. FPE NORTH EUROPE: As all FPE members already know through the Femme Forum we have a very lively group of girls in Stockholm and the rest of Skandin-